4 Sure Signs Your AC Unit Needs to Be Replaced

Join us today as we share some sure-fire signs that it’s time to replace your old cooling system today. Schedule your HVAC assessment today.

4 Sure Signs Your AC Unit Needs to Be Replaced

The average homeowner doesn’t know much about how their home’s HVAC system works, but they can usually feel when something isn’t quite right and needs some attention paid to it. When your Bay Area air conditioner is on the fritz, you may be left wondering if it’s worth forking over the cash for costly repairs or if it’s time to throw in the towel and replace the entire unit altogether. At Bay Energy Solutions, Inc., we’ve been installing, maintaining, and servicing residential and commercial AC units for more than 20 years. Join us today as we share some sure-fire signs that it’s time to replace your old cooling system today.


Your AC System Is More Than a Decade Old

The average residential air conditioning unit’s life expectancy is between 10 and 15 years for one that has been well-maintained. Factors include regular checkups and repairs, and those AC units that don’t run as frequently in mild temperature regions may last closer to the 15-year mark, but the average home’s AC unit begins to wear out closer to the 10-year mark. If your Bay Area air conditioner is acting up and it’s more than a decade old, it’s time to put it to pasture.

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Your AC Doesn’t Cool Every Room in Your Home Evenly

While there are a few factors that may make your home cool unevenly — windows and blinds, closed, covered, or clogged air vents, etc. — if your once evenly-cooled home begins to feel cooler in some rooms or areas than others, there’s a major problem with your cooling system. It may be as simple as your air conditioner is not the proper size for your home or that your AC is nearing the end of its life span. Time to upgrade!


There Are Strange Noises or Odors Coming From the Unit

Most people are able to ignore the rush of cooled air being forced into their homes through ducts and vents, and many even find the white noise comforting. However, some noises including chirping, rattling, “ping”ing, humming, booming, knocking, clunking, or whining are not normal and indicate an issue with your cooling system. Likewise, there is not typically a smell associated with air conditioning, and if there is one that smells musty or like something is burning when the AC runs (or attempts to run), it’s time to call in your local HVAC professionals for a thorough assessment.


Failing Compressor

Is your air conditioner pumping hot air into your house? This means that either the refrigerant is low, or more than likely, your compressor is failing. One way to know which is the cause is to head to your outdoor unit — do you hear anything? If you’ve got silence, it’s a dead compressor. Because dead compressors usually happen in old air conditioners and are expensive items to replace, it’s more cost-effective to start over with a new cooling unit rather than pay to put a new compressor into an old system.

At Bay Energy Solutions, Inc., we’ve got the skills and the experience to perform a thorough assessment and make an accurate diagnosis. We’ll offer you all the possibilities and help you make the most cost-effective choice that will keep your Bay Area home or business comfortable for years to come. For all your HVAC maintenance and repair needs, connect with us for your free quote today!